Saturday, January 2, 2010

Personal Response

This passage makes the role of women in slavery have no knowledge nor soul. Women in slavery were disrespected to the point of committing suicide. Women weren't able to talk, pray, read, etc. Women were controlled by evil slave owners whom took the souls hidden within them. Additionally, women were raped; force to use their bodies. Slave owners took advantages of raping women during slavery, selling the children, and disrespecting the dignity of women. Always was a black powerful woman. She stayed positive throughout the passage; helping Loretta during her labor with Apple. Always was respectful and did not disrespect to Loretta even though Loretta said, "You are an evil woman, Always." She still stayed beside her to be there for Loretta in labor.
J. California Cooper included this scene and passage to show how Always wished she could've kept her baby like Loretta could. Showing how Always compares her life with Loretta stating, "Oh, Miz Loretta, you be so lucky, so blessed. .able. .to keep your baby. ." J. California Cooper wanted us to realize Always had a soft spot too in her heart.
This passage reflects my overall questioning about being an American by showing how one American whose been through hard and tough times can still remain positive and helpful to others. This text reveals that Americans aren't greedy creatures and can really care and be there for another person through hard times. J. California Cooper answered my questioning about being an American which reflected off this passage.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Always to Sun

Dear Brother,
Its been a while since you've been gone. Things have drastically changed; I've been sold to live with my new slave-owner Doak and his wife, Sue. So far, Sue has been the only one who's really cared for me. Her husband Doak raped me, and I became pregnant with his child. Plum is now dead due to her courage of trying to stay along with me. Although you moved to the North and became a Frenchman, PLEASE Sun, come to Doak's land and rescue me; I can no longer take this struggle anymore!

Sincerely, Always

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Plum's Eulogy by Always

"My sister, I prayed you wouldn't have to go through this tragic barbarism; especially at a young age. Being a slave working under tough conditions was hard for me to watch. Hearing your screams as you ran towards me trying to stay together like family struck me like thunder. Seeing you cry made my heart sink into the bloody puddle you bled from the wagon. Experiencing your sister being raped; not having a family- being a slave. Your life was a struggle just much as mines. I tried my hardest to take care of you and keeping us family; and having to bury your body on Doak's land made me thirsty for revenge. Knowing you're no longer in this hell-hole made me realize you're in a better place. I LOVE YOU PLUM!"

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Break!

This Winter Break "blogger" assignment seems fun & easy, however quite difficult academic wise. I hope this doesnt take away much time from our break; Goodluck Bros!